Alabama Chief Justice Removed from Office. Judge Moore is the guy who installed a giant monument of the ten commandments in the courthouse and refused a direct court order to remove it, claiming God has higher authority than the courts.
From the article:
Presiding Judge William Thompson said the nine-member court had no choice but to give the harshest punishment after Moore willfully and publicly ignored the federal court order. "The chief justice placed himself above the law," Thompson said.
In closing arguments, Assistant Attorney General John Gibbs said Moore's public refusal to obey a court order "undercuts the entire workings of the judicial system."
"What message does that send to the public, to other litigants? The message it sends is: If you don't like a court order, you don't have to follow it," he said.
Make no mistake, this debate has nothing to do with God and everything to do with a judge defiantly unwilling to follow a court order, the very orders he's entrusted by the public to mete out. Such a man has no business being on the bench.
Via Jeff Jarvis
and Michele
It's about damn time. Justice, finally.
Posted by: Tori at November 13, 2003 04:52 PM