October 04, 2005

The Taggart House

We got the historic survey of our house and it's wonderful! Our house was built in 1922 (not 1906 as we had thought) for J. Paul Taggart, and was thus named the Taggart House. It was built as a rental property and Mr. Taggart never actually lived there himself. Its original location was on the other side of the train tracks, not far from where it is now. I'm sure Kevin will write a more comprehensive blog entry about our house. I'm very excited because I've always wanted a house that had an original name, and now we do!

Posted by Shelby at October 4, 2005 12:34 PM

Dear Shelby, Du you know more about Mr.Taggart? Is it a popular person? Have you some more onfos about him or his family?

best wishes,

Posted by: ira at October 6, 2005 01:27 AM
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