We made our final (hopefully) trip to Babies R Us today to pick up the last odds and ends on our registry. We got everything except for an additional package of bottles because of course they were out of stock. Those can wait a bit, however. We have enough to carry us through at least at first. Speaking of bottles, we don't plan to sterilize them before each use, but they do recommend sterilizing them when you first get them out of the package, so I filled up our big pot with water and boiled them all. Then I set them out on the nice new drying rack. And then it occurred to me, as I'm looking at all of these bottles and nipples and paraphernalia, that we're going to have to clear out a cabinet space for them. It's those little things you don't think about, really.
I'm feeling yucky :(. It seems I've come down with a touch of the flu or some other virus. We spent a few fun-filled hours at the hospital yesterday making sure my symptoms (tummy problems, persistent headache) weren't a pregnancy complication and that Biff was doing well. Everything's fine with the baby and pregnancy, but I do seem to be fighting off some kind of bug. Hopefully this will work its way out of my system quickly.
Posted by Shelby at December 7, 2008 07:53 PM